art and antiques-glasseyebill (down)
Original art, paintings, engravings, inlaid wood, antiques, statues, carvings, chinese art, native art, lithographs, prints
Original art, paintings, engravings, inlaid wood, antiques, statues, carvings, chinese art, native art, lithographs, prints
My wife and I have hiked the Rocky Mountains for 48 years and are still astounded by the changing beauty caused by the passing of a cloud or the rising or setting of the sun! Even walking the paths
around a turn and looking back at the same mountain again reveals different aspects and wonders. As we hiked we have taken thousands of pictures.
I've discovered my talent in painting and have decided to attempt to share God's creative beauty by painting the best of our scenes. Seventy percent of all my art proceeds will go to gloves/clothing for the poor. Thirty percent will be used for materials and promotion. Enjoy!!